The genres of Zendee songs are the following : Love Songs.
Sorry the lyrics of the song Runaway by Zendee is still not available.
Feel free to watch the official music video of the song Runaway by Zendee
Everywhere she looks, she sees the guy. Everywhere she goes, she feels his presence.
Isn't it always like that when you are trying to forget someone who has been so important to you? So, everyone can relate to this song.
Vocally, there is no question that Zendee is amazing. However, I just find some parts of the song, distracting. I dunno, I just don't feel that the song plays smoothly from start to finish. There is something about the editing that bothers me. This record makes me think, Zendee is best heard live. :) Overall, it's a nice song. Congratulations, Zendee! Don't Runaway from your dreams. Soar even higher!